The main objective of this study was to assess the causes of construction materials wastage in
Rwandan construction industry. Case study: Gasabo district (2014-2023). The specific objectives
were to determine the causes of construction materials wastage in Rwandan construction industry,
to determine the effects of construction materials wastage in Rwandan construction industry and
to identify the strategies of wastage construction material management in Rwandan construction
industry. The questionnaire survey conducted in the 99 respondents from the active construction
companies in Gasabo district. Collected data were analyzed by tables and ranked using excel
software. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the Causes of construction materials wastage
in Rwandan construction industry are Poor workmanship, Poor communication between designer
and builder or within the organization, Inadequate supervision. The results show that the effects of
construction materials wastage in Rwandan construction industry are project cost overrun, disease
associated with high levels of air pollutants, pollution of the environment by discharging chemicals
and other materials, reduction in profit and failure of construction firms. The results show that the
strategies of wastage construction material management in Rwandan construction industry are
employing a specific professionals to inspect and handle construction waste related issues,
adoption of prefabricated or off-site production of components and recent technology products
which enable to reduce construction waste, strong coordination between consultant, client,
contractors, and other stakeholders during the planning, design, and construction stages of projects,
implement strong onsite management practice and create awareness among the construction work
members, offer incentives and tender premiums related to waste management, increased
implementation of green building codes and specifications, introduction of penalties for
construction firms with poor waste management practices, increased landfill charges,
incorporation of a material waste minimization plan policy in construction contract, measuring the
size of the work and using the proper amount of material on site help to reduce the work item
needed to rework, repair and replace, effective and frequent site supervision, taking into account
the environment during designing and aiming to achieve resource optimization, providing
scheduled training on material waste minimization strategies for construction workers, keep in
mind the economic, social, and environmental effects of waste at all stages of the project.