The general objective of this study is to assess the impact geographical information system (GIS)
in land management in Rwanda. Case study: Rubavu district (2015 -2024). The specific objectives
were to identify the major factors driving land management, to show how GIS Techniques can be
applied on land use management and to examine the overall impacts of GIS on land management.
The results show that the level of land management in Rubavu district is characterized by clear
land records, land use monitoring, effective and efficient land transfers, proper lad taxation and
land disputes resolution. GIS plays a crucial role in land management of Rubavu district. Starting
from the first phase of land use planning where by it simplifies the territorial planning, operating,
analyzing important data concerning their spatial relationship that allows carrying complex
assessment of the situation and creates basis for more exact reasonable decisions regarding land
use in this district. To ensure a good land administration a number of data and procedures are
required for demarcation and recording. It may entails details such as ownership, land use, land
value, land use plan, site development plan, utility plan, survey information, other attributes such
as name of owner, plot number, size, use, location, transaction records such as deed of assignment,
sublease, mortgage, devolution, release etc. GIS has the capabilities to handle such huge data not
only effective but also efficient, secured, faster, and transparent. From these, we can be able to
summarize the following advantages of GIS in land administration: It will facilitate land
registration processes, data processing, storage and retrieval as well as reduce time, cost and space
required for land record and management. It will enhance academic research as access to
information will be easy. Guarantee tenure security and transparency among land owners. This
will enhance sustainable development. The GIS technology will reduce dispute among land
owners thus, mitigate court cases. It would sanitized the system of land transactions in general.
Provide security for credit from banks and thus, enhance efficient land market, housing,
construction and financial institutions. GIS data base system for land management guarantee data
backup in the event of system breakdown. GIS database can provide previous and up to date Maps,
layout, plans with details if require at fingertips. GIS database can accept updates easily. Since the
GIS database is embedded with information, every potential buyer will want to authenticate (attest)
whether the land is genuine and free from stains. GIS allow information sharing by different users
at different time.