The main objective of this research was to conduct a technical detailed study on the
implementation of G+4 building in KICUKIRO DISTRICT With size of (51*41m).
due to the capacity of existing carrie`re old market based on the number of the
customer received on this market. It is the reason why this research has been
conducted to solve that problem.
Different methods have been used for well conducting this study such as analytical
method for designing different structural members like slab, beam, column,
foundation, stairs and ramp, shear wall different software’s has been used like Arch
cad 20,for providing architectural drawing of the market building such including all
plan views, sections, elevation and perspectives, protastructure have been used and
manual for the structural design of beam, slab, column, footing, stair and ramp by
computing beam detailing and reinforcement.
Arc GIS and Google earth have been used for well locating the study area and
preparing all maps. Bill of quantity has been calculated within this study the results
showed: in archictecural drawing, has size of 51m in length and 41m in width, on
ground floor has 14 shop with size (6m*4m),2 restaurant with size (8m*4m),
1 pharmancy with size( 8m*4m),15 toilet with size (1m*1.5m),space of vegetable
shoping,stairs,ramp,on the fist floor has 12 room with size (6m*4m),room1 ,room2
with same size of 8m*4m athers floors are same as first floor each floor has height of
In the design of steel reinforcements to be arranged in slab were 10bars12mm of
diameter at the top and bottom 4Ф10@300mm/m while for T beam designed steel
reinforcements were T5@25mm at the top and 4@25mm at the bottom. And for
column the designed steel reinforcement were 8Ф20mm for ground floor part the
column and T8@20mm for first floor, second, third, fourth and fifth floor designed
steel reinforcement were T8@20mm while foundation steel designed by
Protastructure software that shows reinforcement were 6Ф20mm for the stair
designed steel reinforcement were T10@150mm/m For main and T2@12mm a ramp
design steel reinforcement were T12@150mm.
The estimated amounts of building 1,116,519,944 Rwf the building was well located
therefore the expected results have been achieved. (in word one milliard, one hundred
sixteen millions five hundred nineteen thousands and nine hundred forty-four Rwf).