This final year is a result of deep study on project called “Design of reinforced concrete
water storage tank” located in BUSASAMANA Sector/ NYANZA District. Storage
tanks are containersthat hold liquids, compressed gases (gas tank) or mediums used for
the short or long- term storage. Most storage tanks are designed according to American
petroleum institute API-650 specification these tanks can have different sizes ranging
from 2 to 60m diameter or more. Theaim of this project is to determine the requirement
of water storage tank, to describe water storage tank capacity to make economic analysis
for water storage tank and to design a water storage tank, according to that aim the old
water storage tank in BUSASAMANA Sector will be reduced or eliminated. This sector
characterized by high density of low water storage tank ac- companied of bad odor. The
design of reinforced concrete water storage tank will be the solution to the problem of
water shortage in Busasamana Sector.
This report is subdivided into five chapters. Where the first chapter is the general
introduction,the second chapter is Literature review of reinforced concrete water storage
tank, the third chapter will show research methodology used during data collection, their
analysis and discussion the fourth chapter will shows the result and discussion finding
then last chapter is conclusion and recommendation.
The Various survey was conducted to determine information about reinforced concrete
water storage tank the methodology used ware interview to the people and other person
who has skillsabout design of reinforced concrete water storage tank. Other survey was
conducted to deter- mine information
Is observation to the site as engineering’s students. The information obtained were
analyzed and based on discussion made result was that there is a need of reinforced
concrete storage tankin Busasamana Sector because people travelled between 1-2km and
spend two hours going to seekwater due to poor access and quality to drinking water and
also to in order to seek their water they spent 70frw of twenty liters of water. Then the
answer of this problem found in this focused there is need of 400m3 of water storage tank
in order to get enough water demand/day the building in BUSASAMANA Sector