The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of selected SMES to the poverty reduction in
Rwanda. a case study: selected SMES in Rugenge sector Nyarugenge district, period: 2020-2023.
The objective of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of different activities offered by selected
small and medium enterprises, to find out how selected small and medium enterprises impact on
poverty reduction of its members. This study composed by four different chapters, chapter one is
general introduction this study, chapter two is the literature review which includes some key terms
and other related literature written to the topic under study that constitute the variables of this
study, chapter three is research methodology, it point out the, research design of the study,
population of the study, sample size, techniques of data collections and methods of data analysis,
chapter four is presentation, analysis and interpretation of data collection, verify the first and
second hypothesis of this study. Finally, the research end with the overall conclusion which
summarizes the research as well as the researcher’s suggestions, references and appendices. The
sample size of this study id 50 from members of selected small and medium enterprises, in this
stydu researcher used techniques of data collected which are documentations questionnaires and
interview , researchers also used method of data analysis which are analytical method, statistical
methods, and synthetical methods. With data collected from the field Table 4.4. present the
information on Activities of selected SMES in Nyarugenge district, mean of respondent is 4.320
and he expected value or Std. Deviation of respondents is .4712. with data collected from the field
researcher confirmed that respondent participated in different activities such as manufacturing, art
services, ICT services and merchandising and means also that small and medium enterprises
reduce poverty and reduction for its members. With the data collected from the field and after
analysis researcher confirmed that SMES helped on poverty reduction in Rwanda, also researcher
confirmed that all objective of this study were achieved and the hypothesis were verified and
confirmed. Based on the finding the researcher would suggest that the SMES could establish the
followings issues that help to increase development and poverty reduction for its members: trained
employees in related to loan management, increase capital, increase product and marketing of new
product in order to attract more customers