The Employee Management System for Glory Academy is designed to automate and streamline
key human resource functions such as employee record management, salary computation, leave
request handling, and report generation. The system aims to enhance operational efficiency, data
integrity, and employee interaction within the academy's HR processes.
Glory Academy currently faces challenges related to manual HR management, including
inefficiencies in handling leave requests, inaccuracies in salary calculations, and the cumbersome
nature of manual data handling. These issues result in operational delays, errors, and difficulties
in managing employee records effectively.
To address these challenges, the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) was
employed, incorporating tools like Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), Entity Relationship Diagrams
(ERDs), and data dictionaries to model the system’s functionality accurately. The development
process followed the Waterfall model, which facilitated a structured, phase-by-phase approach,
including requirements gathering, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.
Data was collected through observation and documentation, and the system was built using
HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and MySQL.
The expected result of implementing the Employee Management System is a significant
improvement in the efficiency and accuracy of HR operations at Glory Academy. By automating
manual tasks, the system is projected to reduce errors, streamline processes, and provide a secure,
scalable solution that enhances overall HR management. This conclusion supports the need for
automated systems to replace outdated manual practices, ensuring a more efficient, reliable, and
user-friendly approach to managing employee information at Glory Academy.