This project focused on the development and implementation of an online school fees management
system in Secondary School in Liberia, addressing inefficiencies and challenges associated with
manual fees collection processes. Utilizing technologies such as UML for system analysis, Xampp
for database creation, and PHP—a widely-used server-side scripting language—integrated within
HTML, the system aimed to create dynamic web pages that interact with databases, process form
data, manage sessions, and handle tasks like sending and receiving cookies. PHP, which runs on
the server, generates HTML that is sent to the client's browser, making it suitable for building
interactive, data-driven websites. It easily interfaces with many different databases, such as
PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
The front-end development was achieved using HTML, CSS, bootstrap and JavaScript (JS),
alongside PHP for back-end functionalities. The system was designed to minimize the use of paper,
reduce administrative costs, and improve the quality of service to students and parents, while
enhancing data management and financial transparency in fee collection and tracking.
The implementation led to significant improvements, including a substantial reduction in fee
processing times, leading to enhanced efficiency and streamlined school operations. The
transparency of the fee payment review and approval process increased, promoting fairness and
accountability. Data accuracy, accessibility, and compliance with financial regulations were
significantly enhanced through the integration of relevant databases and frameworks.
In conclusion, the adoption of the online school fees management system proved advantageous for
educational institutions in Liberia by reducing administrative burdens, ensuring compliance with
financial regulations, and improving communication between schools, parents or guardians. The
system notably enhanced efficiency, transparency, and financial management in fee collection
processes, enabling more effective school administration.
Recommendations include regular system updates and enhancements to meet the evolving needs
of educational institutions and technological advancements. Comprehensive testing was conducted