Effective blood transfer management is critical to preserving lives and guaranteeing prompt
access to vital resources in the field of medicine. A computerized platform called the Online
Blood Transfer Management System (OBTMS) was created to improve and expedite blood
transfer procedures between blood banks, hospitals, and patients.
OBTMS makes it easier to track and manage blood inventory in real-time, allowing blood
banks to keep enough supplies on hand and handle requests quickly. Hospitals can use an
intuitive interface to submit blood requests, including the kind and quantity needed. The
requests are subsequently forwarded to the closest blood transfer facility that has the
appropriate inventory. The system's automated alerts make sure that all parties involved in the
blood transfer process are informed on time.
It also provides a safe, centralized database for the storage of transfusion records, blood test
results, and donor information, improving accountability and transparency in blood
management procedures. By streamlining blood transfusion services and maximizing
resource use, OBTMS uses technology to improve patient outcomes and healthcare