Online equivalence application management system is as web based application system that apply
for admission Equivalence degree as well as process their system admission details the manual the
process of applying for and processing a student's admission is very stressful and time-consuming.
Forms and files are lost during the process, and students must wait days for admission details to
be processed while staff members sit through long, exhausting shifts tending to students. These
issues have been looked into, and an appropriate solution has been offered: the online equivalency
application and tracking system, which has a centralized database to maintain track of all the
students' records in the system. Prospective students can apply for Equivalency using a module,
where they can also submit their information and upload all necessary documents. Additionally,
there is an administrator module that allows system administrators to view student details and
deliver created equivalencies to shortlisted students by email or SMS.
A three-tiered application design strategy will be used in the development and implementation of
this task. MySQL is the preferred database, and PHP will be used to link the user to the database's
contents. Hypertext Mark-UP Language (HTML) will be utilized to construct the graphical user
interface. The SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) Waterfall model will serve as the
foundation for the methodology. Planning, Analysis, Design, and Implementation are the stages.
An interactive web-based solution that addresses the issues of the manual record-keeping system
is anticipated as the final product.