The aim of this study was to analyze the staff motivation and the job performance of banking institutions, using the case of Bank of Kigali, Rwanda. Research had the following objectives; To examine the effectiveness of Bank of Kigali employee motivation; to assess the work performance level in BK and to establish the relationship between the staff motivation and job performance in Bank of Kigali Rwanda with the following research questions: How is the effectiveness of employee motivation at the bank of Kigali? How good is the level of performance at work in BK? To what extend is a relationship between staff motivation and job performance? with the following hypothesis: H1: There is no relationship between staff motivation and job performance in Banking institution, BK Rwanda. H2: There is a relationship between staff motivation and job performance in BK Rwanda.
The study used descriptive research design. The population was employees of Bank of Kigali in Rwanda where the sample size of the study was 93 respondents. The data collecting instrument that was used is a tailor-made structured questionnaire developed by the researcher but also interviews, particularly for this study. Descriptive statistics for instance, frequency , percentages and cumulative frequency was utilized in analyzing quantitative data. The use of inferential statistics was used in analyzing and explaining the extent between motivation and employee performance. The findings of the study showed that 59% agreed that the bank uses non-monetary rewards in motivating employees. Majority 96% of the respondents in the bank agreed that employees in the bank are given allowances which boosts their productivity in work performance. Correlation between recognition and employee performance showed positive and significant relationship where (r = 0.685, p< 0.05). Based on the research findings, research verified and confirmed H1 while Ho is rejected.
The study concluded that reward and recognition act as a motivation to the employees within the bank.. The study recommends that management should ensure that employees are rewarded for their performance where it should be equitable, and performance linked.