Rural exodus nowadays is highly caused by rural poverty and unemployment in developing countries and is a key component for people move to cities in to improve their socioeconomic welfare. This study aims at examining the effects of rural exodus on living conditions of people in Muhanga District Nyamabuye sector. To achieve the objective, 271 migrants were selected purposively for questionnaire. Both primary and secondary data were employed and were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Descriptive statistics were used especially inferential statistics to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study revealed that, rural exodus has improved social economic conditions of migrants by increasing income and employment opportunities, better education and health services to people in towns as a positive social and economic impact. However, rural exodus still faces some challenges which include reduction of social cohesion in rural areas, development of slums in urban areas, decline of agriculture production in rural areas, increase of food prices in urban areas and increase of crime rate in urban. The study also suggested the strategies such as infrastructures development, establishment of industries in rural areas, creating income generating activities in rural areas and promote agriculture modernization in rural areas to address those challenges