This work investigates “The contribution of gender equality promotion to the households’ coexistence and living conditions in Rwanda”, with the following objectives: to analyse people’s perceptions on gender equality promotion in Mageragere sector; to assess the extent to which gender equality contributes to households’ coexistence and improvement of living conditions; to investigate the relationship between gender equality and family living conditions; to find out the challenges to gender equality promotion; and to suggest strategies to address those challenges. This study therefore, uses qualitative approach to have a deep understanding of the problem through opinions from Mageragere sector. From the information gathered from field, respondents have revealed that women’s participation in the government, private sector and civil society organizations has been one of the government’s priorities across the. Moreover, there are still some gaps to fill in, from the cultural norms, traditional practices. As conclusion, the research findings revealed that gender equality promotion in Rwanda, generally, and in Mageragere sector particularly has contributed enormously to the households’ coexistence between the spouses and the rest of the family members alongside the improvement of social and economic progress for living conditions. Due to continuous misperception on gender equality, researcher recommends the Ministry of Gender and Family promotion (MIGEPROF) to organize a special annual or biannual outreach campaign to reinforce and sensitize gender equality program across the country to wipe out the confusion that is still revolving around the implementation of gender promotion program among the communities in Rwanda.