In this study entitled “Disability inclusion as a tool for poverty reduction among persons with disabilities in Gakenke district 20111-2016’ we have tried to identify challenges that are still hindering PWDs inclusion thus leading them into extreme poverty situation. We have also assessed what is the contribution of disability inclusion towards poverty reduction among PWDs, to assess the perception of the community when seeing PWD which means a lot in terms of inclusion, to assess the level of understanding of disability inclusion towards poverty reduction among PWD in Gakenke District, to examine the way information aiming at poverty reduction is provided to community and lastly to collect suggestions from both PWDs and service providers on how inclusive services may be delivered aiming at poverty reduction among PWD in Gakenke District. Different methods and techniques of data collection were used to get the views of respondents and to get the results which are linked with the objectives of the study. Respondents were both services providers who are the ones to deal with disability inclusion into different programs and PWDs themselves as the group of persons that are deepened into extreme poverty situation due to exclusion and lack of disability mainstreaming programs. The findings from the study showed that disability inclusion is necessary to tackle poverty reduction among PWDs. The results showed that environmental barriers linked with inaccessibility of places are one of the major challenges that hinder full participation of PWDs and lack of appropriate forms of communication and information on poverty reduction strategies is another big issue. Their access to different opportunities and services are limited which is a big problem for them and many of service providers are not aware of the laws protecting PWDs and of disability inclusion strategies, link with limited knowledge of service providers about disability and disability specific needs. The coefficient of determination showed that disability inclusion contributed 42.7% on poverty reduction among persons with disabilities in Gakenke district and general objective is confirmed and verified. Another challenge discovered was the negative mindset of the community towards PWDs. The results indicated that a big number of respondents understand disability inclusion as giving value to PWDs in all areas of intervention so as to help them fully participate and contribute to their own development and to the country development. It was also observed that PWDs are capable to perform all tasks aiming at poverty reduction. The strategies to include disability drawn from the findings are that it is better to train service providers on disability and disability specific needs, to advocate for the inclusion of PWDs in model villages, to mobilize the community on the rights of PWDs and to advocate for budget allocation and to disability inclusion intervention without forgetting the involvement of PWDs in program design and decision making. Nothing for PWDs without PWDs.