The purpose of this study was to assess the „„The Impact of Leadership Style on
Organizational Performance, case study of SANLAM Insurance (2018 – 2022).‟‟ This
research has the statement stated that the Leadership having been recognized as a key success
factor in general management and the fact that leadership is positively related to teamwork in
terms of team communication, collaboration and cohesiveness, it would be expected that
insurance company manager‟s leadership style should influence teamwork and insurance
company performance. The specific objectives of the study are to determine the impact of
transformative leadership style on performance of SANLAM Insurance, to examine the
impact of autocratic leadership style on performance of SANLAM Insurance, to assess the
impact of democratic leadership style on performance of SANLAM Insurance, to establish
the impact of permissive (laisez faire) leadership style on performance SANLAM Insurance
and to assess the relationship between leadership style on organizational performance. The
researcher will distribute the questionnaires by using self-administered structured
questionnaires. The population which involved in this research concerned is 697 employees
who work in SANLAM Insurance and Sample size was 254 employees who work in
SANLAM Insurance. The findings of the study shows the respondents said the transformative
leadership style. On this, respondents mean that SANLAM Insurance is friendly and
approachable by all employees with a mean of 3.5787 and standard deviation of 0.68849.
Respondents also agreed that the manager/supervisor encourages delegation of duties with a
mean score of 3.2913 and standard deviation of 0.98294. The respondents said autocratic
leadership style indicated that the SANLAM Insurance makes all decisions on project
management without entertaining any suggestions with a mean of 3.4449 and standard
deviation of 0.71883. The respondents said that permissive leadership style indicated that the
respondents agreed that the SANLAM Insurance allows staff to make their own decision
without any interference with a mean of 3.2835 and standard deviation of 1.04747.
Respondents also strongly agreed that every departmental staff is free to make approval of
work decisions without involving SANLAM Insurance with a mean score of 3.2795 and
standard deviation of 1.03907. The respondents said that efficiency indicated that the
respondents agreed that the organization is efficiently using its human, financial and physical
resources with a mean of 3.5197 and standard deviation of 0.87432.