The purpose of this study is to find out the contribution of financial technology companies to
agriculture sector for community development in Musanze district. The specific objectives:
To identify different activities of Fintech vis a vis to the agriculture in Cyuve sector; to
examine the contribution of Fintech to the agriculture sector for community development in
Cyuve sector and to determine the challenges faced by financial technology companies to
agriculture sector for community development in Musanze district. This study was designed
as descriptive study for this study using the survey method; a case study was described the
analysis of financial technology companies to agriculture sector for community development,
the researcher acquired knowledge regarding the subject under topic. All the respondents
from the population of Cyuve sector to respond to research questionnaires. The researcher
used questionnaires to collect data. As far as this study is concerned, the population was
comprised by 120 people who received loans. To describe target population of a study as the
point of focus from which a generalization was made regarding the research findings. Thus, a
sample size of 120 people as respondents was considered as the representatives of the total
population. The researcher used primary and secondary data to get all information needed in
this study, the quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential
statistics after running the data collected through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS). Results with an adjusted r-squared value of 0.281 (28.1%) indicates that 28.1% of the
variation in agriculture sector for community development was attributable to variation in
financial technology companies with 95% confidence. Conceptualizing large-scale financing
to agriculture as “value chain financing”; organized, systematic investments across a set of
actors to create vertically integrated supply chains feeding high-value urban markets
(supermarkets) and export markets.