The main objective of the study is to analyse contribution of employees’ motivation on the
performance of commercial banks in Rwanda. The specific objectives are to analyse the
financial motivation applied by Cogebanque Plc, to examine the non-financial motivation
applied by applied by Cogebanque Plc, to determine the financial performance of
Cogebanque Plc and to find out the relationship between employees motivation and
performance of Cogebanque Plc, the research questions are what are the financial motivations
applied by Cogebanque Plc?, what are the non-financial motivations applied by applied by
Cogebanque Plc?, what is the level of the financial performance of Cogebanque Plc? and
what are the relationship between employees motivation and performance of Cogebanque
Plc? The research design of the study used a descriptive survey design particularly a
descriptive design because the researcher was looking at relationship between employees
motivation and performance of COGEBANQUE PLC. The population of the study is 125
employees of COGEBANQUE PLC with a sample size of 56 respondents whereby the
census method was used to determine sample size. The statistical package for social science
(SPSS) version 22 was used to code and enter quantitative data for analysis. The results of
the findings are the ROE was positive for every years of research period. Return on Equity of
COGEBANQUE PLC was 12.6% in 2018, 13.6% in 2019, 11.5% in 2020, 13.1% in 2021
and 19.1% of 2022. The ROE serves to pay the capital invested in shareholders what involves
that 100 Rwf of invested capital allow recovering about 13.6 Rwf in 2019, 11.5 Rwf in 2020;
13.1 Rwf in 2021 and 19.1 Rwf in 2022. The use of Employee motivation tools
COGEBANQUE PLC has greatly improved on the profits and profitability of the bank
through motivation tools have expended sources of revenues for the bank. The respondents’
employees of Cogebanque Plc confirmed that salary increases encourage employees to work
harder, (M = 4.29) stands for excellent extent and the standard deviation of 0.66 (
refers to big dispersion of data (heterogeneity). At this point, it is clear that, increase in
salaries lead to excellent performance in Cogebanque Plc. This implies that the employees’
efforts and abilities are considered in salary fixation in Cogebanque Plc. Employees in
Cogebanque Plc Receive a proper salary in proportion to one's dedication and performance as
the mean (M = 4.24), this implies excellent extent. It is evident that salaries are performance
is proportional in Cogebanque Plc.