This study consists of analyzing the effect of Farmer Supervision on food security in the
CEMAC zone, with regard to the persistence of the phenomenon of food insecurity which
undermines for a panel of three countries (Cameroon, Chad and Gabon) for the period 2000
to 2018. This study investigates the validity of the hypothesis through panel data analysis.
Using a panel ARDL model and following the models used by Nubukpo (2007),Guru and
Hadjimichael (1996),Gurgand (1994),we find that in the short and long term that the
agricultural supervision is positively related to the growth of agriculture production and
agricultural income. It also emerges from the estimation of the linear model that a shock on
the agricultural supervision has an effect not only on agricultural production but also on all
the others variables. Indeed, the coefficients of these two variables are statistically significant
at level. The coefficients associated with the agricultural supervision and agricultural
production is positive and significant at the 5% level.
The government of the three countries (Cameroon, Chad and Gabon) must take and
strengthen economic policy measures in order to properly supervise farmers.