The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of customer satisfaction has lead to the
performance of banking industry, case study of I&M bank (2019-2022). The study focus on the
following three specific objectives, to determine the effectiveness of customer services applied
by I&M Bank, to assess the performance of I&M Bank within the period of 2019-2022, to find
out the relationship between customer services and performance of I&M Bank.This study
contains five different chapters chapter one is general introduction it present the background of
the study, study objective, research questions, significant of the study, scope of the study, and
definition of key terms. Chapter two is literature reviews pertaining to the research objectives, It
emphasizes on key terms, it also identifies the gap in the existing literature conducted in
customer care services and performance of banking institution. Chapter three is research
methodology, this chapter focuses on the research design and methods that researchers used to
collect and analyze data; sampling design; sample size; data collection techniques and tools;
ethical issues and data analysis as well as reliability and validity measures. Chapter four is data
presentation and interpretation it present the data gotten from the field, with data collected from
the fieldtable 4.9 present the information on agreement with the statements regarding to
affordability of services prices in I&M Bank, 33.3% of respondents confirmed that I&M Bank
charge affordable services fees, 29.3% of respondents confirmed that I&M Bank charge
affordable commission fees, 37.4% of respondents confirmed that I&M Bank offer loan to its
clients at affordable interest rate. With the data collected from the field the researchers confirmed
that in I&M Bank there are the affordable services prices, researcher after analysis the data of
I&M Bank conclude that this bank is able to stay with customers for a long time; I&M bank
working hours and how its services fees are affordable, all help I&M Bank to remain competent
and profitable bank. And the hypothesis of this study was confirmed said that there is a
significant relationship between customer service applied and performance at I&M Bank for the
period of 2019-2022. Recommendation based on findings of this study, I&M Bank can develop
more complaints systems whereby its customers are to be encouraged to submit information
encountered and its suggestions, I&M Bank must increase working hours and think about
weekend to insure customer satisfaction, I&M bank has to increase different communication so
that it customers be aware of everything.